C. S. NAVY Research Center, Mobile, Alabama,
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This will take years to put into place and will never be complete.  It is starting with the founder's pictures taken and will increase as interested and helpful persons contribute.  There will be two main pages. One will be by rank and the other will be by physical location. We will start here with the location portion and expand. Check back often for updates and help contribute. Be an active participant. Thanks.

Since this is MOBILE, ALABAMA (Mobile County) our starting point is MAGNOLIA CEMETERY at the corner of Ann and Virginia Sts.  This is a large cemetery of over 100,000 graves that dates to before 1840.
Episcopal Bishop Richard Hooker Wilmer
It was thought he wrote this naval prayer, however, the Founder discovered it was copied from the Episcopal prayer book and altered.
Row K, Lot 18
O ETERNAL Lord God, who alone spreadest out the heavens, and rulest the raging of the sea; who hast compassed the waters with bounds, until day and night come to an end; be pleased to receive, into thy Almighty and most gracious protection, the persons of thy servants, the officers and crews of our fleet, and of all other vessels now engaged in active service. Preserve them from the dangers of the sea and from the violence of the enemy; give them victory in their various conflicts, and safety and success in all their undertakings, that they may be a safeguard unto the Confederate States of America, and a security for such as pass on the seas upon their lawful occasions; may they return in safety to enjoy the blessings of the land, with the fruits of their labour, and with a thankful remembrance of thy mercies, to praise and glorify Thy Holy Name through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.  
Row K, Lot 18
GPS 30.6748N;  88.0624W
Square 18, Lot 13
GPS 30.6750N;  88.0641W
Lt. John Comstock killed on CSS SELMA
Battle of Mobile Bay, 5 August 1864.
Square 18, Lot 20
GPS 30.6750N;  88.0641W
Lt. S.G.Stone on CSS FLORIDA
 Range (row) H, Lot 6
GPS 30.6744N;  88.0619W
W. A. W. Spotswood, Chief Surgeon
Photo courtesy D.M.Sullivan of MA.
 Square 19, Lot 58
GPS 30.6747N;  88.0637W
Matthew Sloan
Fire Chief of Mobile (Sloan Fire Station)
Confederate Rest (Square 13) Originally called Soldier's Rest
The stones that look alike, unless otherwise noted, are in an area called "Confederate Rest" (Square 13--around 1,100 graves)
and the others are scattered throughout the large cemetery divided into Squares (Blocks/Sections/Ranges)  and Lots.
 Sadly it was just learned (2008) from old images that the original markers had the death dates on them. They were replaced by the SCV with these.
Square 13
Grave numbering is from right to left according to cemetery records and plat with Row 1 in the rear
(Row 14, grave 55)          (Row 8, grave 24)        (Row 13, grave 26)     (Row 15, grave 34)         (Row 15, grave 44)          (Row 15, grave 60)         (Row 15, grave 55)
J. Long
J. E. Campbell
C. Gilless
 J. Mullins
 A. J. Smish
 W. C. Lambert
CS Marines
 J. Harrington

Square 13
 (Numbered from right to left)
(Row 2, grave 12) (Row 10, grave 6)   (Row 1, grave 10) (Row 1, grave 30)
 C. H. Davis
Masters Mate
 A. Williams
 J. Mooney
 Thomas King
These 4 persons are listed as being in the Navy or Marines
Square 19
GPS 30.6742N;  88.0639W
Kate Cumming
Not CSN but noted
Square 28, Lot 56
GPS 30.6743N;  88.0670W
Edward Phelan
Square 28, Lot 144
GPS 30.6739N;  88.067W
Thomas David Stone,  Midshipman
Square 23, Lot 129
GPS 30.6752N;  88.0645W
Leslie Everett Brooks, Assistant  Paymaster
Location courtesy Bob Holcombe of GA.
Square 29, Lot 87
GPS 30.6741N;  88.0615W
William A. Alexander
Submarine H. L. HUNLEY
21st Alabama Infantry
Square 27, Lot 90
GPS 30.6748N;  88.0663W
Constantine Sygalas
Also in the Navy on the 
Square 10, Lot 1
GPS 30.6766N;  88.06024W
Thomas Franelich, Landsman
Location courtesy David Mader of AL

Square 6, Lot 9
GPS 30.6762N;  88.062W
Lee Fearn Irwin
Acting Master's Mate and Paymaster's Clerk.
Mobile Bay
Square 11, Lot 98 east
GPS 30.6755N;  88.0606W
Sidney Dale Porter
Naval Constructor
CSS NEW ORLEANS was a floating battery at Island No. 10, Memphis
He served New Orleans, Jackson, & Mobile working on the Tombigbee ironclads

Square 1, Lot 3
GPS 30.6774N; 88.0623W
Jacob Levi Crist
Seaman CS Gunboat GAINES
Mobile Bay.
Image courtesy Lisa McKinney of AL.

Range B, E half of Lot 28
(Unmarked Grave)
GPS 30.6735N; 88.0629W
John King, Sr.
Mobile Bay

Square 21, Lot 198
GPS 30.6737N; 88.0651W
William James Faires
Transferred from Co. A, 12th Ala. 
to CSN at Richmond Feb. 1862

Square 5, Lot 6

GPS 30.67542N; 88.06189W

Elliott W. Johnstone
Acting Masters Mate
Served on CSS BALTIC
Image courtesy Lisa McKinney of AL.
Square 18, Lot 14
GPS 30.6750N;  88.0641W
Thomas S. Russell
Range (Row) M, Lot F-2
GPS 30.6740N;  88.0616W
James Grey Thomas, Asst. Surgeon
Selma Naval Ordnance Works
Location courtesy David Mader of AL
Square 12, Lot 46 (row next to Sq. 13)
GPS 30.6751N;  88.0606W
Lt. Thomas Locke Harrison
Square 13 (east side)
GPS 30.6746N;  88.05997W
Some of the Hunley crew
Mixed Army & Navy
 Above images by the Founder

Square 30, Lot 5
Top Left
GPS 30.67489N; 88.06497W

Henry Winfield French, Sr.
Died 18 January 1917
Cabin Boy,

Square 28, Lot 112
Unmarked grave
GPS 30.67396N; 88.06647W

Neil McCallum McAllister
Died 6 July 1910
Image courtesy Lisa McKinney of AL.

Square 17, Lot 179
GPS 30.67627N; 88.06403W

John McGuire
Died 6 December 1910
Served on CSS MORGAN
Image courtesy Lisa McKinney of AL.

Square 16, Lot 21
Unmarked grave
GPS 30.67694N; 88.05993W

George Naylor
Died 30 September 1892
Image courtesy Lisa McKinney of AL.

Square 5, Lot 83
GPS 30.67504N; 88.0618W

Archibald Campbell
Died 8 August 1918
Ships Carpenter
Co. F, 21st Alabama Inf. detailed to work on
CS gunboats at Mobile
Image courtesy Lisa McKinney of AL.

Square 17, Lot 127
GPS 30.67597N; 88.06308W
Unmarked Grave

John McArthur
Ship Carpenter
Died 25 October 1921
Served on CSS MORGAN

Square 17, Lot 99
GPS 30.67599N; 88.06316W
Unmarked grave

Joseph Masey, Seaman
killed on CS Gunboat BALTIC
10 April 1865
Battle of Blakely
Born in New Orleans

Square 22, Lot 39
GPS 30.67382N; 88.06155W

John B. Vinas
Born in Barcelona, Spain
Died 21 March 1911
Served on CSS GAINES

Square 22, Lot
GPS 30.6746; 88.0649

James Thomas Reid
Died 19 April 1929
Image courtesy Lisa McKinney of AL

Reserved for ??

Square, Lot
GPS 30.6759; 88.0628

David Ham Pritchard
2nd Assistant Engineer,
Image courtesy Lisa McKinney of AL
Reserved for ??

Coming Soon
Burial of the remains of the Unknown Seaman from the CSS ALABAMA killed 19 June 1864 at Cherbourg, France and recovered with the Blakely Cannon.
The Founder of this website was a Pallbearer and Participant by placing the wreath at the coffin in the burial that took place on 28 July 2007.
Arrangements were handled by the Adm. Raphael Semmes Camp 11 Sons of Confederate Veterans, Mobile, Alabama.

Killed in Battle of Mobile Bay (graves not yet located)
John Silk, first-class fireman
William Moore, seaman
 Daniel Ahern, quarter gunner
Michael Vincent, Seaman
(both supposed to be buried at Ft. Morgan burial grounds)
J. R. Murray, acting masters's mate
William Hall, gunner's mate
James Rooney, seaman
James Montgomery, seaman
Barnard Riley, ordinary seaman
J. R. Frisly, landsman
Christopher Shepherd, landsman
Etowah County, Attalla (near Gadsden)
Oak Hill Cemetery
Commodore Ebenezer Farrand (Appointed from Florida)
Served at Pensacola Navy Yard in 1861; Chief of Lighthouse Bureau 1861; Commanding Evansport batteries 1861; 
Special Service in connection with construction of vessels 1861-62; Savannah station 1862; Commanding naval defenses at Drewery's Bluff, Va., 1862; Selma Naval Foundry 1862-63;  and Commanding in Mobile after Admiral Buchanan
Images courtesy Kevin Wilbert of AL
 Dallas County, Selma--Live Oak Ceme
Image by the Founder
Commander Catesby ap Roger Jones
CSS VIRGINIA/Selma Naval Foundry
RICHMOND~ Sept. 16th, 1864.  
Comr. C. ap R. Jones, C. S. N.  
  Chf. of Ordnance Works,  
     Selma, Ala.  
Your letter of the 5 inst. has been received.  
     The services which you are rendering at Selma are regarded by this Department as more important to the Country than any which you could otherwise perform in the Navy, and not less valuable to its best interests than those which are being rendered by any other Naval officer.  
     You can be placed in the Provisional Navy at any time, and you were not so placed under the President's views of its organization, only because your services in your present sphere of duty were regarded by me as indispensable, and were you now with­drawn from it, I would find it extremely difficult to supply your place. I trust that the efficient discharge of the important duties devolved upon you, and which necessarily preclude you from Sea Service, will not be found to decrease your right to, and your chances of, advancement in a profession in which you are regarded as in all respects a most efficient officer.  
Very Respty, Yr Ob Servt.  
S. R. MALLORY, Sec Navy.
Mobile County--Bayou La Batre 
St. Michael's Cemetery, St. Michael's Rd.
off Hwy 188 south of town
GPS 30.3913N;  88.2423W
 Octave Jacob Rabby, C. S. Marine Corps
Image by the Founder

Mobile County
--Bayou La Batre
St. Michael's Cemetery, St. Michael's Rd.
off Hwy 188 south of town
GPS 30.3908N;  88.2423W

Daniel Bosarge
Oyster Commissioner of Mobile County
Image courtesy Lisa McKinney of AL
Shelby County--Columbiana  
Rocky Ridge Cemetery (located NW of town)
N. B. Johnson, CSMC
(Confederate States Marine Corps)
Marker incorrectly shows CS Army.
Marines are part of the CS Navy.
Image courtesy Russell Strong of AL
Monroe County, 
Hays Cemetery (private)
Lt. Andrew Jackson Hays-CSMC
One of the first CS Marines,
Memphis and Pensacola
Image by the Founder
Covington County,  Hwy 77 south of Dozier
Pilgrims Rest Cemetery
GPS 31.4735N;  86.3416W
William H. Davis, 
Co. C, C.S. Marine Corps
Alabama Pension 29841
Location assistance by Bonnie and Jean Conway of AL.
Image by the Founder
Barbour County
Mt. Zion Baptist Church Cemetery
Andrew H. Olds. Born  Greene Co., NC. Residing in Jackson Co., FL, in 1860. One of the first CS Marines, Landsman, CSS CHATTAHOOCHEE. Surgeon's Steward, CSS SAVANNAH. Went to Memphis and Pensacola and Charleston after fall of Savannah. Surrendered Appomattox, April 9, 1865. 
Courtesy Robert Holcombe of Ga
Butler County, Greenville
Magnolia Cemetery (Hwy 10, 2 blks W of Hwy 184)
GPS 31.8279N;  86.6374W
Lt. Edward Crenshaw,CSMC
CS Marine who wrote lengthy informative diary published in several issues of Alabama Historical Quarterly
Served on CSS TALLAHASSEE; Drewry's Bluff; 
Semmes Naval Brigade
Image by the Founder
Montgomery County, Montgomery
Oakwood Cemetery
Square 5, Scott's Free Ground
GPS 31.3827N;  86.2980W
Calvin L. Sayre
One of first Marines enlisted. Fought at Santa Rosa Island, Florida
Image by the Founder
Montgomery County, Montgomery
Oakwood Cemetery
GPS 32.3852N; 86.2932W
 John Charles O'Connell, 2nd Assistant Engineer
Died 13 July 1898
His story is in the book "Two Naval Journals: 1864"
Info courtesy descendant James Hughes of P.R.; Images by the Founder
Montgomery County, Montgomery
Oakwood Cemetery
Cenotaph in Confederate Section
GPS 31.3848N;  86.2965W
William Beverly Sinclair
Drowned when boat from CSS FLORIDA capsized
Read about his drowning
Image courtesy Erick Bush of AZ
 *3 Images by the founder
Jackson County, Town of Section
Section Methodist Church Cemetery
End of Stringer St. off Main St.
GPS 34.57912N; 85.98657W
Lt. Eugene Robinette Smith, CSMC
Served on CSS COLUMBIA; Drewry's Bluff; Charleston; Saylor's Creek
Image courtesy Keith Rivers of AL
Houston County, Dothan
Beulah Baptist Church Cemetery
James Henry Hargrove,
Co. B., CSMC,  died  26 February 1924
Image by the Founder
Confederate Veterans Home Cemetery
No. 1, Row 4, Lot 83
Robert Cruse, Ordinary Seaman 
 Served on the Gunboat CSS MORGAN at Mobile
Image by Mr. and Mrs. George Gayle of AL
Marengo County,  Faunsdale
St. Michael's Episcopal Cemetery
1.5 miles South of town, take
Co. Rd. 59 to Co. Rd. 54 off  State Hwy 25
GPS 32.43653N; 87.60932W
Lt. Washington Gwathmey
Image by the Founder
Montgomery County, Mt. Meigs
Grace Episcopal Church, Old Pike Rd.
Thomas George Garrett, Acting Midshipman
Image courtesy Barry Wyatt of AL
St. Clair County, 
2.6 miles West of Springville
Hullett's Chapel Cemetery
Village Springs Road
GPS 33.76631N; 86.51571W
Levey (Levi)  F. Buckner, CSMC
Image by the Founder
Barbour County, Eufaula
Fairview Cemetery
GPS 31.9033N; 85.1417W
William F. Robinson, 2nd Lt.
Served on CS Steamers St. Philip and Ivy 
at New Orleans;
CSS Selma (ex:Florida) at Mobile 
Image courtesy descendant Andrew C. Robinson of GA
Additional info by Homer Jones & Art Green of AL
Barbour County, Eufaula
Fairview Cemetery
GPS 31.9020N; 85.1420W
1st Lt. James Lingard Hoole
Died 12 August 1866
Served on CSS Patrick Henry; CSS Forrest; CSS Georgia; CSS Florida
Location by Homer Jones & Art Green of AL; 
Image by the Founder
Barbour County, Clayton
Clayton Cemetery on Midway Street
GPS 31.8805N; 85.4499W
John Horry Dent (cenotaph)
Died on board CSS Coquette, 15 July 1864
Actually buried in Smithville (Southport), NC
Exact place unknown
Location by Homer Jones & Art Green of AL; 
Image by the Founder
Madison County, Huntsville
Maple Hill Cemetery
California Street @ McClung Ave
GPS 34.73289N; 86.57209W
George P. Turner, CSMC
Image by the Founder
Coffee County, extreme NE corner
Mt. Zion Church Cemetery
Hwy 231 and County Road 106
GPS 31.6085N; 85.7931W
Radford G. Jackson
Location by Homer Jones & Art Green of AL; 
Image by the Founder
Reserved for Wm. M. Yates,
Morgan County, Roundtop Cem.


Lauderdale County, Florence
Florence City Cemetery
(south side Hwy 72, NE from downtown)
Section K2, Lot 2
GPS 34.8033N; 87.6649W
Lt. John Robert Price
Died 1 January 1923.
Served on CS Revenue Cutter  ST. PHILIP at New Orleans; CSS FLORIDA (SELMA) at Mobile; CSS ARCTIC at Wilmington, NC; Service Abroad; CSS SAMPSON at Savannah
Also has a military marker.
Location by Noah Gengler of FL.
Location assistance by Bonnie Conway of AL.
Image by the Founder
Washington County, Rutan
Richardson Cemetery
(southeast of Chatom on east side Co. Rd. 19)
GPS 31.43848N; 88.19341W
John H. Harris
Location assistance by Lisa McKinney & Art Green of AL; 
Image by the Founder

Mobile County, Whistler (8 Mile)
Whistler Cemetery
GPS 30.7596N;  88.1175W
George Dent Lining
First Assistant Engineer
Image by the Founder
Pike County, Troy
Oakwood Cemetery
Watkins Court off Hwy 29 @ E. Knox St.
GPS 31.8189N; 85.9685W (approx)

3rd Assistant Engineer Joseph Minchener
Served on CSS HAMPTON, James River Squadron, 1864-65
Deserted 26 Feb 1865.
Image courtesy Jane Holcombe of GA

Pike County, S of Troy
Hopewell Ceme.

County Road 6 and 35.

Seaborn Jones Sharpless,
Master-At-Arms on CSS HUNTSVILLE

Image courtesy  descendant John Sharpless of AL
Pike County, Troy
Oakwood Cemetery
Watkins Court off Hwy 29 @ E. Knox St.
GPS 31.8189N; 85.9685W
George R. Taylor
Captain's and Commander's Clerk.
Location by Homer Jones & Art Green of AL; 
Image by the Founder

Baptist Church Cemetery

Reserved for William Hughes, Jr.
 Montgomery County, Montgomery
Oakwood Cemetery

Reserved for Midshipman Raphael Semmes, Jr.
Above image  is inscribed on the Camp Lomax UCV monument next to the entrance gates.
Died 10 April 1918
Image courtesy Barry Wyatt  of Al

Mobile County, Mobile
Springhill College Catholic Cemetery
GPS 30.6958W; 88.1364N

Benton (Benjamin) Reed Horton
Image and info courtesy Lisa McKinney of Al
Baldwin County,
Magnolia Springs/Bon Secour

Reserved for

John Rhonwick
(also spelled Rahnwick, Ronwick)

Baldwin County, Daphne
Old Methodist Church Cemetery
Dryer Ave


James William O'Neal
Died 10 December 1912
Pilot, Torpedo Boat CSS ST. PATRICK
Image courtesy Lisa McKinney of AL

Mobile County, Theodore
Magnolia Springs Baptist Church Cemetery
also known as "Little Magnolia"
GPS 30.5568; 88.1845

William Washington Pierce
Image courtesy Lisa McKinney of AL
Reserved for ???

located on Stone Street (now MLK) at Cemetery Lane
Here is the original gravemarker of Rear Admiral Raphael Semmes. It was moved to the Mobile City Museum and replaced by a newer one.
Section A, Lot 12
GPS 30.7090N; 88.0751W
Reserved for

Hugh Peter Fox
Boy Messenger,
Died 6 June 1932

Section B, Lot 25
GPS 30.70849N; 88.07523W

Simon Klosky, Steward
Image by Lisa McKinney of Al

Section E, Lot 117
GPS 30.70995N; 88.07477W

Daniel Kelly
Died 12 January 1913
Image by Lisa McKinney of Al
Reserved for

Charles Alexander Joullian
3rd Assistant Engineer
Mobile Squadron
Died 26 January 1908

Reserved for

John Wall
Died 20 September 1905
Reserved for

Thomas Q. Barnes
Died 9 June 1902

Section  D, Lot 32
GPS 30.70898N; 88.07439W

Thomas James Sheridan
Co. D, 21st Alabama Infantry
Transferred to CSS TENNESSEE
as Landsman
Image courtesy Lisa McKinney of AL.

Section F, Lot 40 of the New Section on Main EntranceRoad
GPS 30.xxN; 88.xxW

Patrick Michael Flynn
All graves in the Flynn plot are unmarked
The grave with white cross in the bushes in the background is
Father Abram Ryan, Poet Priest of the Confederacy

Image courtesy Lisa McKinney of AL

Section D, Lot 76
GPS 30.7087N; 88.0744W

Lewis M. McKinney, CSMC

Section H, Lot 44

GPS 30.7103N; 88.0743W
Philip Gunn, 1st Class Fireman
served on CSS NASHVILLE in Mobile Bay
Location courtesy descendant Philip Gunn of FL

Section C, Lots 3 & 18
GPS 30.7091N; 88.0749W
Lt. John Lawrence Rapier, CSMC
Refused to sign surrender at Ft. Gaines
Escaped prison in New Orleans
Returned to Mobile for service
Images by the Founder
Pine Crest Cemetery at Mobile
Dauphin Island Parkway south of I-10

Section 12,  Lot 23
GPS 30.??N; 88.??W

R. E. Daly, Sr.
Powder Boy on ship Mary Virginia
Longtime Adjutant of
Raphael Semmes Camp 11 UCV

Section 9
GPS 30.??N; 88.??W

George H. Discher, Sr.
Image courtesy Lisa McKinney of AL
Reserved for ???
Mobile County Burials 1861-1866 of CSN personnel. Click here.
Assorted States and Countries not yet in the table index at bottom of page.

Reserved for

Lt. William L. Bradford
Buried in Barranquilla, Colombia,
South America

Battery Buchanan at Ft. Fisher,
James River Squadron, Sailor's Creek.

If you can find and photograph his grave
please send it in.

Be an active participant.
 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, Washington 20011 
Section I, Lot 376 in Rock Creek Cemetery, 
Rock Creek Church Rd & Webster St., NW 
 George Arledge
1st Lieut. CSS ATLANTA 
 (Courtesy Edward Snyder, descendant)
Reserved for your submission
Be an active participant.

    ENGLAND                           FRANCE                                     HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA                 MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA
                                                 Courtesy M. Jacques LeGrand of France                Courtesy Robert Morgan of FL        Courtesy Terry Foenander of AU.(Great cleanup work!!)


Lt. John Low              George Appleby, Yeoman                                Capt. CSS Tallahassee                  Marine on the CSS Shenandoah
Golborne Parish Cem.                                    James King, Seaman            Camp Hill Cemetery       Church of England Section, Compt. NN, Grave 540 
Newton-le-Willows                                                                                      Robie St., Section UU             2.5 km N of Melbourne on Royal Parade

Have located the grave of George W. Tennent, Chief Engineer, in Mexico City, Mexico
at the U.S.National cemetery. We are trying to get an image if anyone has friends there who can help.
Click on the states underlined in blue to see CSN gravesites in that state.
Alabama Arkansas az CA CO ct de Florida
Georgia hi id IL IN ia ks Kentucky
Louisiana me Maryland MA mi mn Mississippi Missouri
mt ne nv nh nj nm NY North Carolina
nd OH ok or pa ri South Carolina SD
Tennessee Texas ut vt Virginia WA WV wy
CSN personnel burial sites in various countries around the world:
Australia, Bermuda, Canada, Cuba, England, France, Mexico, Colombia
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 Alphabetical list of grave images

Copyright 1998-2011 John E. Ellis,, all rights reserved. 090411